
Is Raw Cat Food Safe?

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작성자 Rob 작성일24-02-16 14:42 조회611회 댓글0건


There is some concern regarding whether cat food that is cooked raw is safe. Some people believe that meat that is raw might contain toxoplasmosis, salmonella or another equally troublesome bacteria or parasite. The only way to ensure that your cat will not develop these potentially fatal illnesses is by cooking the animal.

On first sight, the line of argument seems to be a bit logical. But look a bit deeper.

Wild cats consume nothing other except raw bones and meat. Domestic cats, along with all other cats, have evolved to eating raw meat. Their digestive system only knows how to deal with this.

Cats, like bears are the only real carnivore. Their teeth demonstrate this clearly. They are spiky for catching prey and powerful to crunch up bones. Their digestive tract is slender since raw meat is simple to digest and fast.

Humanity generally is under the illusion that they have made improvements to nature. This is not the truth.

Holistic vets, in their own body, can tell the owner that when they feed raw cat food, chronic degenerative disease disappears. Conditions like feline leukemia, heart issues, sterility, and tumours.

According to Richard Kearns DVM puts it "I believe all cases of spinal myelopathy result from poor nutrition, sometimes going back to the mother's diet in pregnancy".

Richard Pitcairn DVM brings things to a different the right perspective. "Foods are so complex, we're not sure how to understand them. For example, researchers discovered that cats require taurine, an amino acid only found in animal tissues, which is destroyed by cooking. Now it is added to cat foods and supplements. Instead of waiting for such discoveries, it is better to provide animals with the diet that closely resembles their evolutionary history".

If you think about the fact that cats have been evolving over hundreds of thousands of years how would it be possible that they have improved on their diet in the shortest decades in which commercial cat food has been made

Let's take a look at the symptoms of salmonella. This is basically food poisoning by eating infected food items. But wild cats will are only eating prey they've just killed. If you cherished this write-up and you would like to acquire extra info about cat raw food diet australia kindly stop by our web-page. This means that the meat is fresh and warm. Food that is fresh and delicious does not carry any germs. Infected food is the result of inadequate storage.

This is one reason cats can be extremely picky eaters. They know the bad food when they observe it. Yet, because they have to consume food domestic cats are left with no choice but to eat the cat food they are offered, in order to live.

The main point is to ensure that your cat's raw food super fresh. Do not keep it in the refrigerator longer than between two and four days, depending on the temperature of your refrigerator, how often it is opened, the ambient temperature, etc. The rest of the food can be frozen and thawed every meal when it is needed.

Toxoplasmosis is rarely a serious disease for healthy individuals. It can be a major cause of serious illness in people with a weak immune system, or who are taking medication which lessens the efficacy in the body's immune system. This is true for both humans and cats.

Wild cats are able to survive with a robust immune system. Their diet of bones and raw meat appears to work well for them.

Nino Aloro DVM confirms this to be the case. "Diet seems to be at the root of around 90% of the cases of cystitis that I observe. When my clients observe the correct diet following initial treatment, there is rarely any of the normal complications. If they put the pet back on commercial pet food, the cystitis will return."

Only buy the freshest meat, and be as cautious about the treatment and preservation of your cat's raw meat like you would be about your own. If your cat isn't happy with the food, you may have there is a issue. It could be due to meat beginning to decay or chlorine washing on the meat, a process certain butchers employ to extend the shelf life of their meat.


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